How to Send Your Files from iPhone to PC in 30 Sec via Send ...

2023年8月10日—1.Addyourfilestosend.·2.Select'Direct'andclicktheSendbutton.·3.FromtheRecent/NearbyDevicelist,selectthedevicetowhich ...,OrganizeyourreceivedfilesusingtheFilesapponiPhone/iPad.HowdoIgetabetterviewofthephotosIwanttosend?HowdoIviewpho...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How can I send files?

2023年8月10日 — 1. Add your files to send. · 2. Select 'Direct' and click the Send button. · 3. From the Recent / Nearby Device list, select the device to which ...

iOS app

Organize your received files using the Files app on iPhone/iPad. How do I get a better view of the photos I want to send? How do I view photos by folder? How do ...

Organize your received files using the Files app on iPhone ...

2023年8月7日 — In the Files app, go to 'On My iPhone/iPad' and select 'sendanywhere' folder. All files saved in Send Anywhere app's Files tab will be displayed ...

Send Anywhere (File Transfer)

Send Anywhere: Easy, quick, and unlimited file sharing ▷ Features • Transfer any file type without altering the original

Send Anywhere

The easiest way to share files across all of your devices. Send files of any size and type, as many times as you want, all for free!

Send Anywhere

Send Anywhere: Easy, quick, and unlimited file sharing. Send your photos and videos in original size to your PC, share them with your friends, transfer your ...

Send Anywhere - File Transfer on the App Store

Send your photos and videos in original size to your PC, share them with your friends, transfer your music files to your iPhone. You can send to anywhere you ...


2017年7月31日 — 蛤你用Mac卻拿Android手機不能快速傳檔?這再也不是問題了!而且它免費啊各位太太!(進入街頭阿桑狀態). Linda覺得自己算不上果粉,沒有非iPhone ...

在App Store 上的「Send Anywhere

Send your photos and videos in original size to your PC, share them with your friends, transfer your music files to your iPhone. You can send to anywhere you ...


2023年8月10日—1.Addyourfilestosend.·2.Select'Direct'andclicktheSendbutton.·3.FromtheRecent/NearbyDevicelist,selectthedevicetowhich ...,OrganizeyourreceivedfilesusingtheFilesapponiPhone/iPad.HowdoIgetabetterviewofthephotosIwanttosend?HowdoIviewphotosbyfolder?Howdo ...,2023年8月7日—IntheFilesapp,goto'OnMyiPhone/iPad'andselect'sendanywhere'folder.AllfilessavedinSendAnywhereapp'sFilestabwillbedisp...